Cloud Solutions - Industry Guidelines

The digital transformation of industries begins in the cloud! With digital transformation becoming the trend, industries are facing different challenges due to their varying scenarios of deploying and applying IT resources. Nextlink's professional team has the industry experience to offer insights and help enterprises plan comprehensive cloud solutions that unlock additional opportunities for development.

Comprehensive Industry Solutions

Nextlink Technology is one of the few AWS Premier Tier Services Partners in the Greater China region. We hold more than 200+ certifications and have helped a multitude of customers, both overseas and domestically to provide specialized cloud solutions in various industries.

Government Solutions 公部門雲解決方案

Government Departments

If government departments want to utilize cloud and digital transformation tools to create greater citizen welfare, where should they begin? Nextlink Technology present the most suitable solutions, working hand in hand with government teams to inspire innovation, agilely and securely building a new form of tech-driven governance, enhancing the quality of public services!

博弘雲端數位轉型專家 Nextlink

Media & Streaming Services

AWS cloud offers services that can quickly transfer, prepare, process, and provide broadcasting and over-the-top (OTT) videos to help media companies deploy globally with ease, optimize viewing experiences, and provide viewers with better watching experiences.

博弘雲端數位轉型專家 Nextlink

Online Retail

The change in consumption behaviors in recent years has forced retailers to reshape the way they use data.  AWS data solutions can help organizations to store, analyze, and visualize data, offering a one-stop solution for online stores and e-commerce to manage data and make better decisions.

博弘雲端數位轉型專家 Nextlink

Manufacturing Industry

Embark on the journey of intelligent manufacturing in the cloud and create innovative operations with Nextlink Technology

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Nextlink Technology Your First Choice for Digital Transformation

Nextlink is an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner in the Greater China region and was selected by Gartner as a top global public cloud infrastructure colocation service provider as well as by CIO Magazine as the AWS cloud partner with the most positive outlook in the Asia Pacific

We have years of customer service experience and have achieved over 200 AWS Certifications, enabling us to build customized cloud solutions based on our cloud expertise for our customers. We offer customized, comprehensive solutions with AWS cloud services to help overcome the obstacles of digital transformation, and achieve the goal of becoming successful “cloud-driven” enterprises.

Success Stories

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friDay 影音

friDay 影音在博弘雲端協助下導入AWS,保有選擇伺服器高度彈性的同時,也節省99.6%的系統驗證時間與80%人力成本。

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CSD 中衛引領台灣醫材


博弘雲端利用 SAP S/4 HANA on AWS 幫助中衛管理其產品銷售之外,同時也掌握其物料與人力分配,讓中衛提高30%的營運效率,減少20%的伺服器成本,進一步站上國際舞台。

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博弘雲端助物聯智慧透過 AWS,優化原有架構,並檢測資安環境,讓物聯智慧安心打造兼顧效能與資安的 IoT 平台,管理數千萬台的連線裝置。

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